- Love can change even the oldest and most stubborn of people for the better.
- Oysters are meant to be eaten cold, fresh and under a blanket of stars.
- Constantly checking your Amazon sales rank is a quick and easy way to go crazy.
- When you have a "sudden realization," it's a good idea to give yourself a couple of days to see if you still stand by said realization before you go making any major changes or decisions.
- Older does not necessarily equal wiser.
- The increasing emphasis on sluttiness at Halloween gets more and more offensive every year.
- It's important to avoid confusing Facebook affection with genuine, real-life affection. Often, they overlap, but sometimes they do not.
- Speaking up is almost always the better choice.
- It's stupid to spend $4 on a latte. Even if it is pumpkin-flavored.
- Oh, what a difference a year makes.
Whole heartedly agree on the oysters. A damn cold local beer in a glass bottle is a benefical plus on eating the said oysters.
Oysters: ...or cold, fresh and in a crowded bar (Swann's in S.F.? Felix or Casamento's in NOLA?)with cold white wine or whiskey?
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