- Having a trusted friend with whom to bounce ideas around is an important piece of the creative process (for me, anyway).

- Red lipstick is always in.
- We need to hang out at least twice before you start calling me "Gabs."
- STOP EATING FAKE FOOD. Eat the real thing, just less of it.
- G-chat is where good communication goes to die.
- The sweetest part really is acting after making a decision.
- It's important to be aware of what kind of learner you are, and then make a point of taking in information in the way that works best for you.
- Everyone should have a photograph that instantly boosts his or her mood. This is my current one.
- You should eat more kale. Lots more.
1 comment:
Man all you foodies are all up on kale lately! I guess that means there's actually something redeeming about it and I should try it. Oh, and there's an "eat more kale" shirt somewhere I've seen.
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